
The author of this blog is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As such the views expressed in this blog are influenced by the teachings of this faith and the author tries to keep as close to these teachings as he can with his limited knowledge. However, they are the views of the author whose understanding is not complete and may not reflect the official position of this church. For the official position of the LDS church, or for more information, please visit the links provided in this website under the title "LDS Church Websites".

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Alma the Younger

     The Holy Bible is a precious book providing us with magnificent stories of faith.  We can learn so many valuable lessons from the lives of so many people found within the pages of this precious book.  A careful study of the Holy Bible will leave us with the knowledge that we simply must have faith in the Savior Jesus Christ. 
     In His infinite wisdom, God saw fit to provide us with another testament to this fact.  Through His divine power, He prepared The Book of Mormon:  Another Testament of Jesus Christ, sending it forth in our day to support the Holy Bible in teaching us faith in the Messiah.  Some of my favorite stories and lessons on faith are found within the pages of The Book of Mormon:  Another Testament of Jesus Christ.
     Since I was a young child, I have always held a special place in my heart for one particular prophet found in The Book of Mormon.  That prophet is Alma the Younger, whose story spreads across the books of Mosiah and Alma.  I have found his story alone teaches us many lessons on faith. 
     For example Alma was elected by the people of Nephi to serve as the chief judge of the land, which is the public office among the people of Nephi. (Alma 2)  At the time several people rejected the law of the land and civil war broke out.  Alma, as chief judge and upholder of the law, fought with the leader of the dissenters.  During the fight Alma called on God in the name of Christ for strength.  He received that strength and his people won the battle.  He teaches us that faith in Christ delivers us from those that seek to harm us.
     At another time Alma, who was also high priest over the church of God, knew the people needed to hear the word of God to call them back to Him. (Alma 4)  So Alma forsook his title of Chief Judge, passing it to another, so he could serve God as a missionary among the people.  He teaches us that faith in Christ requires us to seek after the needs of the kingdom of God rather than the wealth and riches of the world.
     While he was teaching, Alma was rejected by the people in the city of Ammonihah.  (Alma 8)  While he was leaving the city, an angel of God appeared and commanded Alma to return to the city of Ammonihah.  He promptly did so even though he had reason to believe it would be a waste of time.  He teaches us to follow the commandments of God in faith regardless of what we believe will be the results.
     But the lesson of faith that stands out to me from the life and teachings of Alma would be the lesson of faith unto repentance.  This lesson was the subject of his preaching in the cities of Zarahemla and Gideon.  (Alma 5-8)  It was also the lesson he and Amulek taught among the Zoramites and the people of Ammonihah. (Alma 11, 34)  And it was the lesson Alma taught to his son Corianton.  (Alma 39-42)
     This lesson was also the lesson that brought Alma to the church of Christ.  He tells his son Helaman about this lesson in Alma 36.  When Alma was in his youth, he and many of his friends went around seeking to destroy the church of God.  While he and his friends were traveling with this intent, an angel of God appeared unto them.  He said to Alma, “If thou wilt of thyself be destroyed, seek no more to destroy the church of God.”
     For the next three days, Alma was paralyzed with fear.  He found himself racked with eternal torment as he considered the sins he had committed in trying to destroy the church of God.  He knew he had rebelled against God, rejecting His commandments, and leading many people away from Him.  Alma states he was tormented with the pains of hell for it.  So great was his pain and anguish that he wished he could cease to exist so he wouldn’t have to face God for judgment for his sins.
     In the depths of his anguish, his darkest hour, Alma remembered his father teaching of Jesus Christ.  When Alma remembered the teachings of Christ, he cried out in hope and faith, “O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am in the gall of bitterness, and am encircled about by the everlasting chains of death.”
     Here was a man who had gone about fighting Christ and seeking to destroy His church.  He had been the instrument of the devil in deceiving so many people.  Here he was, recognizing his great sins, truly tormented by them and wishing he had not done what he had done, and calling upon the very Being he had fought against hoping for mercy. 
     Because of his sins he probably felt little hope that Jesus would have mercy on him.  But he did have some hope.  He put his faith in that hope.  And he cried out to Jesus with that faith.  And the great miracle that happened because of his faith is that Jesus answered him.  His great anguish for his sins was removed, replaced by great joy in the salvation of Jesus Christ.  And he was forgiven because he was truly repentant of his sins.
     That’s the great miracle of having faith unto repentance.  Imagine how great, how forgiving, how loving Jesus Christ must be to forgive, instantly, this person who had fought against His church and tried to destroy it.  Alma had done such great harm to so many.  But when he truly turned to Christ in humility and repentance, the Forgiver forgave him immediately. 
     Alma spent the rest of his life working hard to correct his wrongs, it is true.  And we likewise will need to work to correct our mistakes.  We will most likely also need to endure some consequences of our choices as a part of correcting our wrongs, and it may take years to do so just as it did in Alma’s case.
     But in the moment, the very instant, Alma repented and called on Jesus he was forgiven.  It wasn’t ten years later.  It wasn’t a year later.  It wasn’t even an hour later.  It was immediate.  And we will be forgiven immediately when we repent of our sins and cry out with all our faith, “O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me…”
     I have a testimony of this forgiving nature of Jesus Christ.  I know He is waiting, intently, for us to ask Him for forgiveness in faith.  I know that when we place our hope in Him, and ask in faith, He will forgive us.  He wants to forgive us because He loves us.  I have had plenty of opportunities, because of my foolishness, to seek for this forgiveness.  And He has always given it to me when I truly repent in faith and hope.  I testify of this in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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