
The author of this blog is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As such the views expressed in this blog are influenced by the teachings of this faith and the author tries to keep as close to these teachings as he can with his limited knowledge. However, they are the views of the author whose understanding is not complete and may not reflect the official position of this church. For the official position of the LDS church, or for more information, please visit the links provided in this website under the title "LDS Church Websites".

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Call of Death

     In the temporal world we now live in, there is a certainty that all of us must face some day.  That certainty is called death.  Every person born into the temporal reality of mortal life is subject to its beckoning call.  Death can greet us in a variety of ways.  No one knows when or how it will come upon them.
     For some the call of death comes upon them like a tidal wave, crashing upon them with tremendous force and swiftly ripping the breath of life from their lips.  For others death comes like a thunder storm, slowly but surely drifting across the horizon until it overshadows their lives with flashes of pain and rolling claps continuously reminding them what lies in store.  Others find death comes upon them like an autumn breeze, gently blowing across their faces and sweetly, calmly beckoning them into a peaceful winter’s rest.
     Death carries many voices.  At some time in the future, one of these voices will call upon you.  You may hear its voice, or it may come so swiftly you won’t have time to know it’s there.  Either way it will come.
     Now the truth about death is that it is a hard subject to discuss.  Most people live in fear of death.  For most of these people it isn’t death they really fear, it’s the unknown.  There is the unknown method with which death will come upon them.  Will it hurt or will it be peaceful?  Will you know it’s coming or will it be swift?  Will you have time to live a full life or will it claim you in your youth?  You simply don’t know.
     For many people the fear comes due to the unknown that comes after death.  What lies beyond the doors of the close to this life?  What happens to us after we die?  What happens to those loved ones we have lost to death?  Are they okay and will we see them again?  Will we be okay when it’s our turn?  So many people lack this knowledge. 
     This latter concern is the reason I choose to write on death today even though it’s such a difficult subject to discuss.  I can’t address the first unknown because I don’t know how death will come to any of us.  But I can address the second unknown because I have knowledge of what comes after death.
     And where, might you ask, did I get this knowledge?  I got it from the best source possible, God the Eternal Father.  It has come to me through revelations given to the prophets of God, both anciently and today.  And the Spirit of Truth has testified to me personally that the revelations given to the prophets are true. 
     Let me be blunt.  If you don’t believe the scriptures are true, if you don’t believe in the prophets of God, if you don’t believe in revelation from God, or if you simply don’t believe in God, then you won’t believe what I share.  And, unfortunately, you have chosen to live a very empty life that doesn’t give you anywhere near the amount of knowledge you could have. 
     But I know the scriptures are true.  I know God has sent prophets to give us knowledge.  I know that revelation is real.  And I know I can trust in the revelations about death given to us by God.
     So what does come after death?  Believe it or not, there is a lot that follows the closing doors of mortality.  We have spirit paradise or prison.  We have the Day of Judgment.  And we have life in the immortal kingdoms of heaven, which depends so much upon the choices we make in this life.  But the discussion about these will need to wait until later blogs.  There is so much to life after death that I can’t cover it in one blog entry.
     For now let me close this blog entry with some words of hope.  Jesus Christ was crucified upon the cross at Calvary.  Yet He didn’t die there because men took His life from Him.  Jesus carried divine life and couldn’t be killed by the acts of man.  He could only die by choosing Himself to give up life.  And that is exactly what He did upon Calvary’s hill.  He gave up His life.
     In choosing to do this, He gained the ability to reclaim His physical body and break the powerful chains of death.  Though death would claim the living, life would be returned through the power of Jesus Christ because He had the faith and courage to give up His own life first.  And because of Jesus, death is not the end.  It is merely the doorway from mortality to immortality.  And, if we live a life of faith in Jesus Christ, it is the doorway to eternity.

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