
The author of this blog is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As such the views expressed in this blog are influenced by the teachings of this faith and the author tries to keep as close to these teachings as he can with his limited knowledge. However, they are the views of the author whose understanding is not complete and may not reflect the official position of this church. For the official position of the LDS church, or for more information, please visit the links provided in this website under the title "LDS Church Websites".

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Resurrection of the Dead: Other Details

     Last week I focused on the Resurrection, particularly what it is and who participates.  This week I want to continue focusing on the Resurrection.  So, I’ll pick up where I left off.
     When Adam partook of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, he became a mortal being in a temporal world.  One of the consequences of this change to a temporal state was death (Genesis 3, Moses 4).  This included a physical death where the spirit body leaves the physical body, as past posts have described.  All beings born of a mortal father and mother would be subject to the laws of death and would have no power over death.  Only God would have this power. 
     So how is it possible that we can take up our physical bodies after we have died?  There was only one way.  The God of our world, Jehovah, would have to be born to a mortal mother so that He would be subject to death.  However, He would need to be born as the literal Son of God in order to carry divine power capable of breaking the bands of death.  So He came to earth as the mortal son of Mary and the divine Son of God. 
     With His mortal character, Jesus (who is Jehovah) chose to lay down His life on the cross at Calvary.  His body was placed in a tomb where it rested during three days.  During this time He ministered to the spirits in the Spirit World and organized the work of spreading His gospel among these beings.  Then He took up His body again as a resurrected being.  (See the accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in The New Testament for the various details of this resurrection.)  This was the first time a being was resurrected. 
     So when shall the rest of the children of Heavenly Father receive this gift?  We can turn to the scriptures to learn some already have.  When Jesus was resurrected, He also caused many of the ancient righteous saints to come forth as resurrected beings with Him (3 Nephi 23, in The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ).  So Jesus was first and many have already followed. 
     As far as the rest are concerned, we don’t know the exact time we will be resurrected.  Alma the Younger stated, “Behold, there is a time appointed that all shall come forth from the dead.  Now when this time cometh no one knows; but God knoweth the time which is appointed.”  (Alma 40:4)  But we do have some revelation as to the order in which the dead will be brought forth.  Revelation 20 teaches us the righteous that choose not to worship the “Beast”, but instead choose to follow Christ, even unto death, shall come forth first.  This will be known as the first resurrection.
     You may think it strange that this is called the first resurrection.  After all, this is some time after the time when Jesus Christ was resurrected.  But it really doesn’t matter what God chooses to call the time when He brings forth the dead.  What matters is the righteous will come forth first, as we learn in this scripture. 
     There is only one possible conclusion after this.  The wicked shall come forth to be resurrected last.  Turning to the Bible Dictionary, we read evidence of this.  “Christ was first; the righteous have precedence over the wicked, and come forth in the first resurrection, whereas the unrepentant sinners come forth in the last resurrection.” 
     Now let me summarize what I’ve covered about the resurrection.  All who are born into this world are subject to death.  Those who die go to the Spirit world for some length of time.  Then they take up their physical bodies again through what is called “resurrection”.  All who are born into this world are entitled to this resurrection because they chose to follow Jesus Christ in the Premortal Existence, and He has gained victory over death by coming forth as the first resurrected being.  The righteous will be brought forth by Him first, followed by the wicked, though nobody but God knows the time appointed for this.
     Modern day revelation through prophets of this time has given us ample evidence to support that which I’ve covered.  In addition, the scriptures can be used to find additional support.  If you wish to search for yourself, please use the first link provided under the “LDS Church Websites” heading on the left to continue your search.
     Let me close now with my testimony of the truthfulness of the resurrection of the dead.  I haven’t died, nor have I been resurrected.  But I have a testimony that those who die will be resurrected.  I have this testimony because I have faith in Jesus Christ, the First Resurrected Being.  I know that He came to earth and suffered death Himself so that He could break the bands of death and rise as a resurrected being.  I know that He did so that He might grant resurrection to the rest of the children of God.  I know this because He Himself has testified of it through His holy prophets and through personal revelation.
     I further know that He has promised all of us a part in this resurrection, regardless of our choices.  Jesus Christ keeps His promises.  I know He does because He has made several promises to me over the course of my life.  Some have been very broad promises, and some have been very personal.  But it doesn’t matter their nature.  My Heavenly Friend and King has kept every single one of them.  He has never broken a promise He has made to me.  And I know He never will.  So I know the resurrection of all the dead will come to pass.  Such is my testimony.

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