
The author of this blog is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As such the views expressed in this blog are influenced by the teachings of this faith and the author tries to keep as close to these teachings as he can with his limited knowledge. However, they are the views of the author whose understanding is not complete and may not reflect the official position of this church. For the official position of the LDS church, or for more information, please visit the links provided in this website under the title "LDS Church Websites".

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Faith in God

     Last Sunday we discussed the application of faith in our everyday lives.  However, some may ask what this has to do with religious faith.  After all, science has not proved God exists.  In fact, science in many respects makes it seem impossible for God to exist. 
      At the same time, faith in God shows such diversity.  There are now so many different concepts of God.  History contains so many more.  There are the Greek, Roman, and Celtic gods.  Christians and Muslims have differing ideas of the nature of God within different sects of the two religions.  Native Americans have their beliefs on the concept of God.  Indeed, if we traveled the world we would find differing beliefs in so many different places.  Can we really argue that religious faith has a foundation when science can’t prove there is one and the world can’t agree on who God should be? 
     This is a valid question.  Yet the history of science demonstrates a couple interesting facts.  Major scientific advancements never take place unless someone has faith in that which science can’t prove.  Often the world can’t agree on these subjects either.  Such advancements are tested over and over again, with one failure right after another, often times by more than one person or group of people.  And when somebody finally achieves a breakthrough, they often find the world a harsh place, unwilling to accept the new technology, theory, or whatever scientific achievement was made.  When the world does accept the new advancement, often the world can’t agree on how the advancement is applicable, what it means, how it can be used, or even what the terms for the advancement are.  Examples of such scientific discoveries include Darwinism, dinosaurs, Neanderthals, and the age of the earth.
   Yet if it weren’t for faith in that which seems impossible, we wouldn’t have the modern wonders of technology that we currently have.  There would be no cars, no Internet, no television, and no video games.  Older wonders such as books, nails, and fire wouldn’t exist.  We wouldn’t know the concepts of math or language if not for science.  It has truly blessed our lives.  Thus we can conclude that the inability for science to prove something and the inability of the world to agree on the subject are not valid arguments for something not existing. 
     Now, you may argue that doesn’t prove there is a god for us to have faith in either.  That’s very true.  But if you look throughout science you’ll also notice that all technological advancements have a creator.  Some person had to discover the technology.  Some person had to create cars, watches, the Internet, games, Google, and Facebook.  Some person had to create language, math, economic theory, and philosophical theory.  Well, what of gravity, trees, animals and people?  The earth and the various life found within it are far more complex than anything we as human beings have been able to create.  How were they created if not for a creator?
    Well, the Big Bang theory and Evolution of course!  These subjects are still argued by the world.  It’s true the world at large believes in them, but the world at large also believed once that the world was flat and the sun revolved around the world.  But, let us assume they are true.  How did they happen?  Can you really claim they just happened?  Does a watch just happen?  Does a car just happen?  Does a house just happen?  Does a baby just happen?  No, these things don’t just happen.  So it’s reasonable to conclude the Big Bang and evolution didn’t just happen.  There had to be some guiding force behind them. 
    Additionally, the events surrounding life on this earth are a little too perfect for mere coincidence.  The force behind the creation of this earth had to be intelligent in order to align the universe so perfectly for the conditions of life to be present.  How, then, can we argue there is no god?
     I know there is a god.  And I know faith in God is reasonable.  In fact, I take the position that living a life without faith in God is unreasonable and cannot bring true and lasting happiness.  So, I add my witness to the many given throughout the history of the world that there is a god.  And I hope this blog will invite those in the world to believe in Him, and to have faith in Him.  Doing so will give you purpose and joy.  This is a promise I can give because I’ve tested it and found it to be true.

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