
The author of this blog is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As such the views expressed in this blog are influenced by the teachings of this faith and the author tries to keep as close to these teachings as he can with his limited knowledge. However, they are the views of the author whose understanding is not complete and may not reflect the official position of this church. For the official position of the LDS church, or for more information, please visit the links provided in this website under the title "LDS Church Websites".

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Faith in the Face of Uncertainty

     Over the past couple of weeks, I've had a particular subject weighing heavily on my mind.  I have two stories to share that explain the reason they've been on my mind so much.  The first is a story about a former bishop of mine, and the second is about me.
     In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, there are certain geographical divisions that divide the congregrations of church members into managable sizes.  The smallest units are called branches or wards, depending on the size of the unit.  Each ward has a bishop that serves as the head of that branch.  My wife and I were in the same ward at the time I was courting her.  Our bishop was an excellent bishop.
     This bishop had an excellent job within the management of a local business that happened to conduct its business in the national arena.  He started having feelings that it was time for him to leave this excellent job.  These feelings kept growing within him until he determined they were promptings from Heavenly Father.  He didn't have a plan, and had no idea what he would do if he quit.  All he knew was that Heavenly Father was directing him to leave his job.
     So, with faith in his heart, our bishop quit his job.  I don't know a whole lot about what took place for him after this.  I know he took a job with a family member for a time.  And I know he was called as a mission president (the adult leader of the mission fields where young men and women are called by God to preach the messages of Christ to those willing to hear them) where he currently serves.  About four years after this decision to leave his work, however, I had a chance to speak with him and learned he was very happy with his decision.  It was the right thing to do.
     My story isn't such a story of success.  I had a job working for a company in the Denver, Colorado, area.  As I started this job, I found it was really difficult to please my boss.  I would be given details of the expectations the company had of me.  I would exceed those expectations.  Then I would be told I was falling short of the expectations.  So my boss let me know I had 30-days to correct the problem or I would be terminated.
     Approximately 30 days later, I started having feelings I needed to quit my work in order to ensure I had two more weeks of employment.  I put off doing so for the next three days.  Then it was too late.  I received my termination notice.  I feel the reasons given to me for my termination were unjustified, but maybe they weren't.  Either way, I delayed acting on the promptings I was receiving and found myself out of work sooner than I would have had I acted on the feelings.
     There have been four different times in my life, including this one, where I have found myself out of work.  Once this had to do with following what I felt were the promptings of the Spirit.  Another time it was simply the way things happened in the course of life.  The last one was because I was a heart-broken young man (who had been dumped for the first time in his life) and allowed myself to be a terrible employee who was justly fired.
     The time I was fired was the first one.  I placed my trust in God at that time, believing He would help me out of my situation and everything would be all right.  I admit that I didn't know it was true and I had several doubts.  But everything worked out just fine and I found myself where God wanted me in spite of my foolishness. 
     In each of the  cases after that, I've placed my hopes and faith in God.  And each time everything has worked out fine.  In one or two cases, I can't say it had anything to do with intervention from God.  I truthfully don't know if He simply sat back and allowed life to take its course or if He placed circumstances in my path to help me out of my difficulties.
     But I can tell you with absolute certainty that God intervened in my behalf on at least two of the situations I found myself in.  Had I not had divine help, I would not have ended up where I did. 
     So we now come to the point.  We live in an uncertain world.  I don't know of anybody who doesn't face uncertainty at some point and in some way.  Most people must face uncertainty when it comes to employment and careers.  A choice to have a family brings uncertainty.  Feelings to quit a job when you have nothing to replace it bring uncertainty.
     But there is at least one guaranteed constant in this world.  And that is that when you act with faith in God, believing you are doing His will, you can't go wrong.  You simply can't.  I don't care what it is He has asked you to do.  If you listen, everything will be just fine.  If you ignore Him, you're going to pay some price, just like I did.  Sometimes the price won't be too costly.  But sometimes that price is going to sting like you can't imagine.
     So, first and foremost, if God asks you to do something, put aside your doubts and fears.  Step forward in faith and do as He has asked.  You will be rewarded.
     Second, if you've come to a time of uncertainty in your life, ask God what He wants you to do.  He may or may not answer.  If He does, do as He directs and you won't go wrong.  If God doesn't answer, then make a decision yourself and ask Him if it's right.  Again He may or may not answer.  If He does answer, then again do as He directs and you can't go wrong.
     If you have made a decision and asked God if it is right and get no answer, then it is time for you to act.  You see, God has promised faithful people His guidance and direction.  So if you are striving to live the laws of God you are entitled to it.  If He hasn't told you no when you've given Him a direct decision, then you have the right to act and He is bound by His own promises to either stop you or uphold your decision.  So act.  And God will either stop you or uphold your decision.
     So let me end by stating, have faith in Jesus Christ.  Do as He directs and you can't go wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes when I'm put in uncomfortable situations, the song, "I'll go where you want me to go" comes to mind. It's scary to have faith, but it's better than worrying. Good luck with your job hunt!
